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Department of Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Transdiagnostic & Multimodal Neuroimaging (TMN) (PD Dr. M. Kirschner) (Junior)

Motivated by neuroscience-based frameworks, our research program links complex clinical and behavioral phenotypes with brain and genetic data, spanning a continuum from at-risk individuals to patients with psychosis and related disorders. The work of our team centers arounds two areas: (1) Transdiagnostic discovery science combining large-scale clinical, genetic and neuroimaging data, to characterize dimensional biomarkers of at-risk stages and complex clinical phenotypes. Building on these findings, we aim to computationally identify potential cellular and molecular pathways underlying psychosis and related disorders. (2) Multimodal prospective neuroimaging studies integrating deep-phenotyping of clinical traits and innovative neuroimaging techniques to advance our understanding and treatment of complex psychotic symptoms (apathy/anhedonia and cognitive impairments). We seek to translate biomarkers into clinical practice (e.g. diagnostics, treatment selection) and develop neuroimaging-guided novel treatments (e.g. real-time fMRI neurofeedback). Collectively, our research aims to contribute to the development of precision psychiatry with treatment and prevention tailored to the individual needs and clinical characteristics of each patient.

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Contact and Postal Address

Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Neuroimaging and Transdiagnostic Research in Psychosis
Psychiatric Hospital, University of Zurich
Lenggstrasse 31
CH-8032 Zürich




Unterseiten von Transdiagnostic & Multimodal Neuroimaging (TMN) (PD Dr. M. Kirschner) (Junior)